Simply bringing aluminum awareness to the forefront is my hope.  As you may know, there are so many preservatives that are detrimental to our health. But, through my studies and experiences in caring for my Mother who fought Alzheimer's for 12 years, I have found that aluminum is the absolute worst! 

More so now than ever before, aluminum is in so many products. And unfortunately, it enters our body and creates havoc if we cannot cleanse it effectively. Our bodies are in fact designed to cleanse this metal from our systems, but when we are so bombarded in all the products, it challenges our bodies to do what it is naturally designed to do. When aluminum remains in our body, it gets into places where it doesn't belong. It is in fact one of the few substances that can penetrate the blood brain barrier.  

In my copyrighted documentary, I include discoveries and treatments that we tried with our Mother.  She was a trooper to say the least!!  And God was with us through our journey the whole way!  He always amazed me how he would send a butterfly to let me know that He was indeed with us!  I received strong promptings to give her natural treatments.  This turned out to be a 2-week aluminum cleanse treatment.  It ultimately took the aluminum out of her system, and we were able to take her off all drugs and bring her home.  It was a blessing indeed!  The caretakers had never seen anyone doing so well at such late stages.  That was my Mother!  A true warrior!  

Based on the results we had with Mother, it is very easy to believe that aluminum is the culprit for Alzheimer’s and simply making daily changes toward an aluminum free, all natural, and organic as you can lifestyle would make a major difference not only for you but for so many people.  It certainly cannot hurt to simply try.  Don’t you agree?!

​The good news is that along with a cleaner living concept of choosing an all natural and as organic as possible lifestyle, there is an aluminum cleansing treatment available that is so easy, effective, and safe. I share this information on the TIPS AND TREATMENTS page in the drop down menu of JOY IN CLEAN LIVING.  Or simply click the link below: 

Excellent article on Aluminum Awareness!

It simply reiterates and supports my belief in the need for aluminum awareness!